How do you treat an allergic reaction on your scalp?

If you're unlucky enough to suffer from allergies, you may also experience an allergic reaction on your scalp. This can be a very distressing and unpleasant condition, but there are some things you can do to help relieve the symptoms and get your scalp back...

What causes hairline itching?

There are many potential causes of an itchy hairline, including scalp conditions, skin disorders, allergies, and more. scalp conditions such as dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis can cause the hairline to itch. skin disorders such as eczema or co...

What causes scalp allergies?

There are many causes of scalp allergies, but the most common include: Dandruff Psoriasis Eczema Dry skin Sensitivity to hair products Allergies can also be caused by infections, such as ringworm, or by certain medications. If you suspect ...

What causes your scalp to turn red?

There are many different things that can cause your scalp to turn red. It could be something as simple as using the wrong shampoo or conditioner, or it could be a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition. If you're concerned about your red scalp,...

What does an allergic reaction on the scalp feel like?

An allergic reaction on the scalp can feel like a burning, itchy, or tingling sensation. The scalp may also feel red and irritated. If the allergy is severe, you may also experience swelling of the lips, tongue, or face. If you think you are having an all...

Why do hair itch when it grows?

Have you ever noticed that your hair itches when it starts to grow out? It's not just you - this is a completely normal phenomenon! So, why does hair itch when it grows? It's all thanks to the new keratin cells that are forming at the base of the hair shaf...

Why is the edge of my scalp so itchy?

If you have ever experienced an itchy scalp, you know how frustrating it can be. It's always in the same spot, right at the edge of your hairline. And no matter how much you scratch, the itch never goes away. So why is the edge of your scalp so itchy? ...

Does red scalp cause hair loss?

Recently, a concerned follower reached out to us on Twitter with an interesting question - does having a red scalp mean you're more likely to experience hair loss? We turned to our team of experts to get the scoop on this one. Hair loss can have many ca...

Does itching scalp cause dandruff?

There is no solid evidence that an itchy scalp causes dandruff. Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to fall off. Itching is a symptom of dandruff, but it's not the cause. The exact cause of dandruff is unknown. It's th...